jueves, 1 de mayo de 2008

Una noche de matemáticas

Me encuentro "haciendo" mi examen final de matemáticas mientras platico en el messenger y ya saben, de tanto pensar en probabilidad y estadistica y cosas se me ocurrió.. "Oh cual será mi probabilidad de tener un novio descente?" Y estos fueron los resultados según los números: hem, hem
(Obvio me ayudó un amigui que es bueno en mate, si no numca hubiera encontrado la resuesta)

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
can you calculate how long will it take for me to find a bf that I like and not just because he might have a car?

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
considering any variables you may need

Andrew dice:
what requirements are there?

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
he has to like or accept me being a vegetarian and not give me any kind of shit for it

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
he has to be in college or have already graduated

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
he has to smell nice

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
and take showers daily

Andrew dice:
are there nationality requirements?

Andrew dice:
location reqs?

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
and it would be nice if he spoke some Spanish

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
no nationality but he cannot be Asian

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
I think that's the basics

Andrew dice:
ok so maybe there are 30.000 potential eligible males in boulder (correct age, let's say)

Andrew dice:
then of those a large % will be educated or in college (80%?)

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
i am so posting this in by blog like copying and pasting it

Andrew dice:

Andrew dice:
ahah ok

Andrew dice:
then of these how many know some spanish? maybe 75%? or what do you think?

Andrew dice:
(remember this is of college ed. not general population)

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
it depends i mean he doesn’t have to be fluent but lets say someone who took at least 1 yr of Spanish or is native speaker

Andrew dice:
ok 75% seems good

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:

Andrew dice:
that leaves 18.000

Andrew dice:
how many of them shower daily

Andrew dice:
here in boulder, realistically, maybe 2 thirds?

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
in Boulder? OMG that is so hard to tell, you are a guy you'd know better

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
yes, realistically speaking yes.. two thirds lol

Andrew dice:
that leaves 12.000

Andrew dice:
then, accepting of vegetarianism

Andrew dice:
you tell me

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
1 in every... 4

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
does that sound right?

Andrew dice:

Andrew dice:
that leaves 3000

Andrew dice:
so 10% of original eligible population

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
that like... sucks

Andrew dice:
and then that's not even inluding things like intelligence or looks

Pao growing fat in fantasy dice:
those were only.. THE BASICS

Andrew dice:
if you figure, of each girl/guy you mean, the chances that s/he is attractive, is maybe 20%

Andrew dice:
has a compatible personality maybe also 20%

Andrew dice:
and intelligence, well.. not that high

Andrew dice:

Andrew dice:
so the chances for each girl/guy you meet is 20*20*10 = 0,4%

Estoy en el hoyo..
Pero la esperanza es lo último que muere :kuki:

2 comentarios:

omaru dijo...

Pues un .4% de probabilidades no esta tan mal, sera cuestión de buscar bien xD

Adn dijo...

OOOooo pobre pobre bebé! jAjajja

Voy a hacer un ejercicio similar. Mis probabilidades serían mucho más bajas, creo.